For the love of Bees

Our Bees and pollinators need our help. In the last 75 years we have lost 97% of our rich wild flower meadows in the UK. Shocking right? Especially when you consider every third mouthful of food you eat is made possible because of pollinators doing what they do best.

 bee on flower by garry lomas photography

Image: Garry Lomas


In the UK our pollinators includes Bees, Beatles, Butterflies and Moths. Cumbria is home to 5000 species of wild pollinators. But they don't just pollinate our food crops, they are also vital for the survival of many wild plants that support our wildlife.

 butterfly on flower by Garry Lomas Photpgraphy

Image: Garry Lomas Photography


We wanted to help, which is why we decided to stock Beebombs.

Beebombs are super easy to use, you don't need green fingers or to be a gardening expert to use them. Planting Beebombs is a great activity all the family can enjoy doing together, then enjoy years of beautiful blooms that follow.

Beebombs are a UK business based in Dorset. Driven by a love of nature, founder Ben Davidson makes, packs and dispatches the Beebombs. Each Beebomb contains hundreds of seeds and 18 native species of wildflower.

The seeds are mixed with clay and unfortified soil. The clay protects the seeds while they germinate and spreads them as they breakdown under watering.

How to use:

  • Clear an area of soil in your garden (one pack of beebombs will cover 2 square metres/21 square foot)
  • Give them plenty of water
  • Wait for your blooms

Or watch this great video from Beebomb showing just how easy it is

Wild flowers love full sun, so avoid planting in shade of trees, shrubs or fences. About 20% of your seeds will flower in year 1, the rest will flower in year 2.



To celebrate World Bee Day on May 20th we are giving away a Beebomb to the first 20 customers who spend £30+  (both instore or online) from May 14th. We would love you to have planted your Beebombs by World Bee Day, share your results by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook


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